
Learn Modern Skills to Make Money Online

Discover how you can leverage AI and learn online skills that enable everyday 9-5 workers to earn an additional income on the side each and every month.

About Us

Side Hustle Academy

At Side Hustle Academy, we empower individuals to break free from the 9-5 grind by earning extra cash. Our services are designed to equip you with the skills needed to succeed in today's online digital world. From leveraging AI to learning new online skills, our curriculum is built to help achieve your goals. Whether that be earning some extra money online or completely replacing your 9-5. Unlock your potential and start your journey toward earning a significant side income each month.

What you'll learn:

  • 1. Business Initialization We will show you how to get started with your new online business
  • 2. How To Sell. Once you have your business products and services established, you will learn how to sell them.
  • Software Skills. Then you will need to master the art of some easy software tools to manage your clients.
  • How to Grow. We will then teach you how to grow your business and even outsource so you aren't having to do much anymore!

Start your journey today

What are you waiting for? Start your journey to learning and making some extra money online

Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team by sending us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

What if I have no prior experience?
The program is designed to help people with little to no prior experience making money online.
Can I balance this with a full-time job?
Absolutely! The material is designed with flexibility in mind, allowing you to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule, perfect for those who are balancing a busy life.
What type of support will I receive during the course?
Students receive support through various channels, including access to an exclusive online community, and regular live sessions with coaches
How do I access the resources?
Once enrolled, you'll gain access to our system where all materials are available anytime and on any device. However, a laptop or desktop is preferred.
Is there a community I can join?
Yes, all students gain access to our private community where they can network with peers, share success stories, ask questions, and even collaborate together.
How up-to-date are the materials?
Our course content is regularly updated to reflect the latest changes to ensure that our students receive the most current and relevant information.